Monday 1 March 2010

What a load of old RUBBISH!

Hmm, i have completely changed my theme for this project.
Firstly i was going to use rocket fuels and how bad for the environment that is. I chose this as i wanted to choose a theme that was bad for the environment and be able to change that around and hopefully show it from a different perspective. I have kept that idea, but changed my focus to RUBBISH. I think this is a lot more experimental and i can explore this idea further, it seems more broad for my research.

I have created my sketchbook around this idea, after putting pages of inspirational designers in.
Not only have i got a lot of inspiration from this idea, but also found that my colour palette came from this.

Finding images.
I looked up images such as rubbish on beaches, washed up from the sea. This in my opinion gives a kind of story to the concept, a sort of history to the RUBBISH. To think that it could of been in the sea for 1, 2, 3 or 500 days! who knows? how the shape, texture and colour has changed. It may well be that after being washed up the RUBBISH has slightly disintergrated, rotted or rusted. This is how i found my colour palette from these concepts. I thought of using quite neutral colours such as sand, nude, pale rustic colours, pale blues and pale greens.

I have chosen to do knit for my outcomes and development. I think this ties in well with my theme. I am going to create knit with faults in it and holes, to show how it has gone wrong. This makes me think of how when something goes wrong, you may not want it any more or you may not want to wear it if it is ripped or with holes it is what we would then call as RUBBISH and quite possibly throw it out in the RUBBISH. Whereas i am finding a way to change that way of thinking, i want to make things that are torn and apparently worthless into something that people will cherish and want to keep. In order for me to do this i will add meaning to the garments by using RUBBISH that i have collected from somewhere that is important to me.

I am also going to upcycle old garments, this is my way of incorporating the "Make do and mend" idea that i have looked at and added into my sketchbook as this is a practical way of being friendly to the environment. I am hoping to get some denim jeans to do this with. Denim is a material that is always in fashion, it will probably never go out of fashion, i mean everybody has a pair of jeans in there wardrobe. They are like an essential piece of clothing to have.

Please comment if you have any further suggestions or ideas that could help me with this, or any comments you wish to add,

Thank you.


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